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2. Culture and Art

Things which generally comes under “the arts“ are :

ART can entertain ant educate us. Art can stimulate our imagination. There are many things that cau feed our body but only art can feed our soul :o)

Cultural events are an interesing way how people can spend their free time. Cities and towns offer many caltural attractions to citizens and tourists.

People who like classical music can enjoy a chamber music concert in concert halls. Mozart, Beethoven and Bach have become the most important European composers.

Film lovers can go to cinemas to watch dubbed or subtitled films (open-air cinemas are very popular among the young in summer and summer open-air music festivals as Pohoda, Hodokvas, Camfest…

It is not easy for young people to find time for culture and art. Small children are not interested in culture at their age and adults usually don´t have a lot of free time.

There are some possibilities in our town how to spend leisure time.You can go to the cinema, you can go to several pubs, clubs or restaurants (there are also some galeries, museum, liberaly, sport centre…), you can go dance to the disco or you can stay at home and listen to music, whatch TV, read books or megazines. I like…-ing! I prefer Rock to Jazz!…

Nowadays, a group of young people expresses their feelings, thoughts and opinions by drawing the walls. This type of modern art is called “GRAFFITY“.

art – umenie/artist – umelec, literature-literatúra, painter-maliar, fiction-beletria, singer-spevak, novel-román, short story-poviedka, detective-detektívka, thriller-napínavý film, biography-životopis, drama-dráma, poetry-poézia, author-autor, writer-spisovateľ, poet-básnik, folk-ľudová hudba, horror film-horor, musical-muzikál, actor-herec, actrerss-herečka, cast-obsadenie, performance-predstavenie, musicial-hodobník, sculpture-socha /sculptor-sochár, photographer-fotograf, exhibition-výstava, work of art-umelecké dielo, fairy tale-rozprávka, subtitles-titulky


  1. What kind of art are you interested in?
  2. Who are your favourite actors/actresses, singers, pop-groups?
  3. Whaat types of art do you know?
  4. Whaat cultural events are organised in your town?
  5. What kind of music do you like?
  6. Do you think that the Slovak cinemas offer attractive programmes?
  7. Why do people living in the countryside hace less opportunities to see cultural events?
  8. Xhat kind of art is favourite among children/teenagers?
  9. How important is art in the life of people?
  10. Do you like watching TV? (or going to the cinema)?
  11. What kind of films do you know and what is your favourite film?
  12. What do you know about “Oscar“?
  13. Which film have you seen recently?
  14. Have you ever been to the theatre?
  15. Would you like to be famous one day?

- There are many kinds of films: active films, comedies, horrors, thrillers, western, war films, adventures films, documentaries, historical, romantic, dramas, soap operas, sci-fi …
- OSCAR is a film prize awarded every March to the best film, actor, actress, director…. I tis the most prestigious award of the international film industry. The first Oscar winning Czechoslovak film was: Obchod na korze (Jozef Króner) by directors Kadar-Klas, the second was Ostro sledované vlaky (Václav Neckar) by Jiri Menzel. The third film is Czech Kolja (Zdenek Sverák) by ján Sverák.

Culture and Art

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