====== 4. Housing ====== Choosing a place to live in is a problem which everybody has to deal with at the beginning of his adult life. The choice is wide: you may live in a village or in a town, you may live in a house or in a flat. A flat is a set of rooms that are usnally all on the same level and are a part of a larger building\\ -living in a flat has some disadvantages, f.e. there are usuallz small rooms, not enugh space, small balcony, no garden, neighborous who can hear anything, f.e. when you are quarreling with your parents, husband or wife... On the other hand you don´ t have to cut (or reap) the grass☺ There are also many differences between living in a village or in a town. Living in towns and cities has advantages and disadvantages. In the town on the one hand, there are many possibilities for jobs, education, sports, culture and social life. There are many cultural events there such as concerts, operas and theatre performances. People can visit cafés, pubs and night clubs. There are many shops, shopping malls, hospitals, banks, hotels..... On the other hand, city inhabitants live in polluted, noisy, crowded and hectic places.There is often a lot of mess and dirty in the streets. Many city people live in housing estates, which is not an ideal place for children. There is also a high level of crime, violence, drugs, danger.... Advantages of living in a village are: clean air, beautiful nature, quiet friendly people (everybody knows each other), there is usually only one pub, one shop, one church and less opportunities how to spend your free time. There is no school, cinema, bank... you have to travel a lot, it is not easy to find suitable job. There are also many differences in spending holidays. Some people prefer stying in a hotel. It´s very comfortable. You usually have your own room, bed, balcony, TV, fridge, breakfast. In some cases you can have an all inclusive - it means everything (food and drink) is free ☺ On the other hand some people prefer staying in a tent. It´s not very comfortable, there is no bed, bath...) but it can be very exciting and adventerous especially for young people. And it is really cheap. There is also a special group of people who don´t have their own house. We call them “homeless“ - they are usually very poor, and alcoholics  or Romans. They sleep at various strange places in parks, at bus or railway stations, under the bridge etc. ===== QUESTIONS: ===== - Where do you live? - What does “home“ mean to you? - What is your idea of perfect house? (Can you describe your “dream“ house?) - What are the adv. and disadvan. of living in towns and villages? - What furniture is usually placed in a sitting room? - Can you describe your bedroom? What do you have in your own room? - Is it easy for young people or family to buy a flat in Slovakia? - Would you like to share a flat? Why (not)? - Whodoes repairs in your house/flat? (DIY – do-it-yourself) - Where do you live, what is your flat/house like? Describe the place, is surroundings. - What household jobs do you know and have to do? - Choose one room in your house and describe everything you can see. Proverbs ☺ My house, my castle. housing estates – činžiaky, dust the furniture – utierať prach na nábytku, water the plant- poliať kvety, hoover the carpet – povysávať koberec, clean the bathroom – umyť kúpeľňu, do the washing- vyprať prádlo, mops the floor – vytrieť podlahu, do the stairs – umyť schody, change the bed linen – prezliecť posteľné prádlo, clean the windows – umyť okná, wash the curtains – vyprať záclony, iron – žehliť, hang the clothes – zavesiť prádlo, take out the litter – vyniesť smeti, wash up and dry the dishes – umyť a utrieť riad, bunk bed – poschodová posteľ, duvets and pillows – prikrývky a vankúše. ===== Housing ===== * {{ :maturita:anj:maturitna_otazka_4.pdf |Housing}} * {{ :maturita:anj:maturitna_otazka_4.rtf |Housing}} * {{ :maturita:anj:4.1.pdf |Housing}} ===Táto stránka bola navštívená:=== Dnes: {{counter|today}} / Včera: {{counter|yesterday}}, Doteraz: {{counter|total}} ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ <- maturita:otazky:anj:maturitna_otazka_3 ^ maturita:otázky ^ maturita:otazky:anj:maturitna_otazka_5 ->