====== 6. Health Care ====== More and more people know that good health means a longer and happier life nowdays, people care about their health more than they did in the past. They eat healthier food practise different kinds of sports and try to avoid stressful situations. A healthy, trong and beautiful body is an ideal for many people . (Doctors often say that headaches and stomachaches are the results of depression) When we are ill, we usually see a doctor. The doctor examines our body, asks about the symptoms and usually prescribes some medicine. Then we go to the pharmacy to get our antibiotics, painkillers or vitamins. When the illness is too serious, the patient must go to the hospital (for operation) Basic health care is free in Slovakia for all people who pay their insurance monthly. Everybody goes through various diseases during their childhood and adult life. Most of the diseases are not serious and do not take a long time to cure (Nowadays, there exist vaccines against some diseases (flu tuberculosis, scarlet fever, chicken-pox, rubella, polio, jaundice, typhoid, playne, rabies....) But there are also some diseases which we have problems to cure or cannot cure at all yet. They are for example: cancer, AIDS, diabetes.... There are several types of medicine which can help us to beat illness. Classical medicine offers various painkillers. It also fights against illness and diseases with drugs and surgery and doctors can save millions of people / In my opinion, studying medicine is very hard being a doctor is very difficult and responsible./ On the other hand taking a lot of pankillers can destroy other organs of your body, f.e. liver, stomach, kidneys,... That´s why many people prefer other kindds of medicine, which are sometimes called alternative medicine. Alternative medicine looks at whole person not just the illness. This includes: your age, sex, your family, background, eating habits, sleeping habits, regular exercise, job combitions, bad habits like drinking or smoking and all problems you have in your everyday life. ====== QUESTIONS : ====== - Compare classical medicine and alternative. Give the pros and cons for each. - How do you protect your body against disease. - Do you take vitamins regularly? Why? Why not? - Do you live a healthy lifestyle? Why? Why not? - What do you do to stay healthy? - When do you go to see a doctor? - What are the neost dangerous diseases ? - How do people take care about their health? - What do people do when they are ill? - What does a doctor do when a patient comes to see him? - What diseases cannot be cured at all? - What are the parts of the human head? Can you desribe them? - What are the parts of the human body ? flu tuberculosis, scarlet fever - šarlach, chicken-pox – kiahne, rubella, polio - obrna, jaundice - žltačka, typhoid - týfus, playne - mor, rabies – besnota, .... HEAD: skul-lebka brain-mozog face-tvár hair-vlasy forehead-čelo eyes-oči nose-nos cheeks-líca mouth-ústa chin-brada ears-uši eyebrows-obočie eye lids-očné viečka eyelashes-mihalnice lips-pery tongue-jazyk teeth-zuby BODY: head-hlava neck-krk chest-hruď chest boues-hrudný kôš abdomen-brucho back-chrbát pelvis-pánva keart-srdce lungs-pľuca aboneinal coity-brušna dutina stomach-žalúdok liver-pečeň spleen-slezina intestines-črevá kidneys-obličky linebs-končatiny fingers-nechty skeleton-kostra boues-kostra muscles-svaly blood-krv arteries-tepny veins-žily skin-koža blister-otlak diarrkoea-hnačka constipation-zápcha pneumonia-zápaľ pľúc appendicitis-zápal slepého čreva concussion-otras bozgu hig blood-vysoký krvný tlak asthma-astma broken boues-zlomenina tousillitis-angína cough-kašeľ cold-nádcha clu-chrípka allergen-alergia sickness-zvracanie bleeding-krvácanie tiredness-únava lack of appetite-nechutenstvo swelling-opuchnutie purulency-hnísanie feeling unwell-neboľnosť uncousciousness-bezvedomie Treatment : taking medicine regularly staying calm – kľud sleep – spánok dreesing – obklad wet or hot pack- zábal gargling – kloktanie operation going on a diet getting an injection sweeting – potenie ====== Health Care ====== * {{ :maturita:anj:maturitna_otazka_6.pdf |Health Care}} * {{ :maturita:anj:maturitna_otazka_6.rtf |Health Care}} * {{ :maturita:anj:6.1.pdf |Health Care}} ===Táto stránka bola navštívená:=== Dnes: {{counter|today}} / Včera: {{counter|yesterday}}, Doteraz: {{counter|total}} ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ <- maturita:otazky:anj:maturitna_otazka_5 ^ maturita:otázky ^ maturita:otazky:anj:maturitna_otazka_7 ->