~~NOCACHE~~ ====== RouterOS v 7.2.3 ====== --- //05/05/2022 06:05// RouterOS and routerboard upgrade process was completed. New RouterOS version: v.7.2.3, routerboard firmware: v.7.2.3. Check RouterOS changelog: https://mikrotik.com/download/changelogs/stable-release-tree Backups of the upgraded system are in the attachment of this email. Device information:\\ Identity: Automobily\\ Model: RBcAPGi-5acD2nD\\ Serial number: B9320BD00D38\\ Current RouterOS: 7.2.3 (stable) May/02/2022 15:18:17\\ Current routerboard FW: 7.2.3\\ Device uptime: 00:00:35\3 Mikrotik RouterOS automatic backup & update https://github.com/beeyev/Mikrotik-RouterOS-automatic-backup-and-update === Najčítanejšie === {{POPULAR 5 today}} ===Táto stránka bola navštívená:=== Dnes: {{counter|today}} / Včera: {{counter|yesterday}}, Doteraz: {{counter|total}} ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ {{tag> :wifi}}