Spojená škola Juraja Henischa

Gymnázium, SOŠ polytechnická, Slovenská 5, Bardejov

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BIECZ, Poland

Vocational School Complex in Biecz

26. - September 30


On 26-30 September 2022, the Polish city of Biecz will host 4. a working meeting of the Erasmus+ project, in which our school also participates together with partner schools from Germany, Spain, Romania, Turkey and Poland.

Biecz, Poland

Krakow, Erasmus+ Poland
Krakow, Erasmus+ Poland

Erasmus+ Poland
FOSITAS, Erasmus+ Poland

Erasmus+ Poland
FOSITAS, Erasmus+ Poland

Erasmus+ Poland
FOSITAS, Erasmus+ Poland

Erasmus+ Poland
FOSITAS, Erasmus+ Poland

Erasmus+ Poland
FOSITAS, Erasmus+ Poland

Erasmus+ Poland
FOSITAS, Erasmus+ Poland

Erasmus+ Poland

Erasmus+ Poland

Erasmus+ Poland

Erasmus+ Poland

Erasmus+ Poland

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en/gymnazium/projekt_erasmus_plus-na_ssjh-tretie_stretnutie/program_mobility_biecz_poland-26._30._september_2022_erasmus_project_fostering_social_inclusion_through_artistic_skills_2020-1-es01-ka229-081896_3.txt · Last modified: 29/09/2022 13:08 by aix150