Spojená škola Juraja Henischa

Gymnázium, SOŠ polytechnická, Slovenská 5, Bardejov

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Juraj Henisch United School

A modern educational institution for the 21st century. 1)

Education frees the intellect, unlocks the imagination and is the foundation for self-esteem. It is the key to prosperity and opens up a world of opportunities, thanks to which each of us can contribute to a progressive and healthy society. Learning is beneficial for everyone and should be available to everyone.

School opened by the new EU program Erasmus+

School Education (staff training)

Erasmus+ supports training activities abroad for professionals involved in pre-primary, primary and secondary school education.

These opportunities can consist of courses and trainings, and job shadowing periods at schools or other relevant organisations.

Examples of such organisations include higher education institutions, public bodies, research institutes and organisations providing courses or training.

These opportunities are available between organisations based in Erasmus+ Programme countries.


The gymnasium is an organizational component of the Juraj Henisch United School with more than 25 years of tradition, a modern dynamic characterized by individual approach, creativity, differentiation of education, traditions, cultured environment, smile and politeness.

The school's priority is the quality of the teaching process, good academic results, the possibility to choose optional subjects, international projects, many extracurricular activities, sports competitions and clubs, a school magazine, television, radio and a choir.

Teachers use modern teaching aids and information and communication technologies in teaching/ ITA Bardejov.

Secondary Technical School of Polytechnics

Polytechnic Secondary Vocational School (SOŠp) is an organizational component of the Juraj Henisch United School 1) with more than 45 years of tradition. It is a school with a technical focus, workplaces in practical teaching workshops.

The Welding School is part of the Juraj Henisch Joint School. Graduates of the Welding School obtain a welding license for the given scope of authorization.


Source: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/opportunities/opportunities-for-individuals/staff-training/school-education-staff-training

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en/domov.txt · Last modified: 04/09/2022 16:13 by aix150