Spojená škola Juraja Henischa

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24. London, Washington D.C., New York

LONDON, the capital of the U.K., is situated on the Thames in the southeast of England. The city was probably founded 2000 years ago.

London is a cosmopolitan city, there are people of many nationalities. Today the population is about 7 million inhabitants.

London consists of three parts: the original and historical City, West End – centre of entertainment and the East End, rather an industrial area. It is a major world financial centre with a number of banks.

  • The symbols of London are: the world-famous red double-decker buses, traditional black taxis(or cabs) and pubs.
  • An important and famous places in London are: The Monument, The Tower of London(The White Tower, The Bloody Tower, The green Tower), The Tower Bridge, St. Paul’s Cathedral, The Palace of Westminster, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Downing Street, Whitehall, Piccadilly Circus, The British Museum, The Tate Gallery, Madame Tussaud’s Museum(holds a collection of wax figures), Hyde Park, The London Eye, The National Theatre.

WASHINGTON D.C. is the capital city of the United States. It’s named after the first president, George Washington. The letters D.C. mean District of Columbia. The capital is not a part of any of the 50 states and there are no skyscrapers so typical for America. Washington D.C. lies on the Potomac River.

NEW YORK is situated on the eastern coast of the USA. It was the capital for four years during the War of Independence. It is the biggest city in the USA, an important seaport, and a financial, business and cultural centre. There are four airports and it has the largest subway system in the world.

New York is often called „the city that never sleeps“ or „the Big Apple“.

New York consists of five boroughs: Manhattan, The Brone, The Queens, Brooklyn and Rickwond.

  • luxurious shops, hotels and offices are on famous Fifth Avenue.

Other famous, important and interesting places in New York: The Empire State Building, Broadway, Metropolitan Opera, Carnegie Hall, Times Square, Wall Street, Harlem(is a black quarter with many poor and unemployed people).

The Statue of Liberty is a copper statue given to the USA by France in 1887. The statue stands on Liberty Island near the port. I tis the symbol of New York and the first sight for many immigrants, so it has become a symbol of hope and freedom.

  • World Trade Centre and Tein Towers! 11.9.2001

London, Washington D.C., New York

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