Spojená škola Juraja Henischa

Gymnázium, SOŠ polytechnická, Slovenská 5, Bardejov

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Choosing a job in an important step in everybody´s life. Small children usually don´t know what they wat to be. At first they admire so called „hero“ professions such as pilots astronauts, firemen or policemen.Girls on the other hand dream of becoming actresses models, singers or ballet dancers. But as they get older they become more and more realistic. Some children look up to their parents and want to follow in their footsteps, therefore there are generations of doctors, teachers, actor…

  1. Various statistics show that young people with higher or university education have a better chance of finding a good job. (so, education is very important.)

EMPLOYMENT(zamestnanie) is a contract between an EMPLOYER(zamestnávateľ) and an EMPLOYEE(zamestnanec) People who have their own business are self-employed. The UNEMPLOYED are people who do not have a job.

  1. When peaple search for a new job, they look at several factors, such as type of work possible promotion(povýšenie) and career development, salary working time, travel opportuaities, place of work and others.

The available(voľné, dostupné) positions are published in the newspapers or on the internet. The candidates send the job aplication and their CV (currisculum vitae). Their CV should incluide personal details: name, address,date od birth, nationality, telephhone, e-mail…) details about education , skills(using a computer, foreign languages,car licence…) and work experience The best candidates are invited to an oral interview.At the interview, they usually answer guestions, describletheir motivations and expectatations. Candidates should prepare well for the interview, answer clearly and stay calm.Successful caididates are offered a job with a starting salary, position, medical beuefits and vacation days.

  1. People have-fall-time jobs
    1. part-time jobs

Doctors, nurses, truck drivers work in shifts. - Some people work manually, for example: workers, shop assistances, dressmakers, hairdressers, miners…

  1. Some people work intellctually, for example teachers, doctors, lawyers, artists, scientists…

Questions: 1.What kind of job would you like to have in the fature? 2.What does a „good job“ mean to you ? 3.What kind of job would you never like to do ? 4.What kinds of professions do you think, are the most interesting ones ? 5.What is employment ? 6.What information should be included in a Professional CV ? 7.Would you like to be a teacher ?

Curriclum Vitae „CV“

Title,name,surename,age – Tatiana Slovákova 32

Contact address: 7 Holleého street Street – Holleého street Tip code , city – 917 05 Trnava Country - Slovakia Phone - +421-43-123456 Mobile - +421-905-123456 e-mail - slovakova

Education Achieved education - gradution from-until – 1980-1985 schol – Compresehsive Economie High School city town - Novákovo field of study - gradvation

courses and trainings from until – 4/19.. – 6/19 institution – economy Ltd. course training name – double – entry bookkeeping for certificate

work experience from –till employer position job tasks

from-till employer position job tasks

skills language skills

Office skills

Computer skills-user

Driving licence

Additional skills And interests

In trnava, July 16th 2009


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